Published on Jun 05, 2023
Will silicon technology become obsolete in future like the value technology done about 50 years ago? Scientists and technologists working in anew field of electronics, known as molecular electronics is a relatively new field, which emerged as an important area of research only in the 1980's. It was through the efforts of late professor Carter of the U.S.A that the field was born.
Conventional electronics technology is much indebted to the integrated circuit (IC) technology. IC technology is one of the important aspects that brought about a revolution in electronics. With the gradual increased scale of integration, electronics age has passed through SSI (small scale integration), MSI (medium scale integration), LSI (large scale integration), and ULSI (ultra large scale integration).
These may be respectively classified as integration technology with 1-12 gates, 12-30 gates, 30-300 gates, 300-10000 gates, and beyond 10000 gates on a single chip.The density of IC technology is increasing in pace with Famous Moore's law of 1965. Till date Moore's law about the doubling of the number of components in an I.C every year holds good. He wrote in his original paper entitled 'Cramming More Components Onto Integrated Circuit ', that, "the complexity for minimum component costs has increased at the rate of roughly a factor of 2 per year.
Certainly, over the short term, this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe that it will not remain constant for at least ten more years. It is now over 30 years since Moore talked of this so called technology-mantra. It is found that I.C's are following his law and there is a prediction that Moore's law shall remain valid till 2010.the prediction was based on a survey of industries and is believed to be correct with research of properties of semiconductors and production processes. But beyond ULSI, a new technology may become competitive to semiconductor technology.
This new technology is known as Molecular electronics. Semiconductor integration beyond ULSI, through conventional electronic technology is facing problems with fundamental physical limitations like quantum effects etc. Molecular based electronics can overcome the fundamental physical and economic issues limiting Silicon Technology.